Place d'Youville is one of the nicest place in the city. It has the Capitole (built in 1903 and now a Hotel and high class Concert Hall. Up the Place d'Youville, there is the Palais Montcalm build in the 1930s, and fully renovated a few years back. It has supposedly one of the best acoustics you can find in a Concert Hall. Place d'Youville is also part of many festivals in the summer, and has an ice rink in the winter.

Interactive View.

Technical information:
51 images in 3 rows of 4-8-4 images + nadir * 3 exposures each.
Shot at 10mm, ISO400 f11 and 2.5s +\- 2 stop.
Generated 3 equirectangular panorama (one per exposure) with hugin and post process with photomatix.
Merged the photomatix result with the enfused output for a slightly more natural look
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Je veux m'améliorer. N'hésitez pas à me donner des critiques constructives!